Welcome to Teyvat Land

Teyvat Land is a point-theme-based, fixed agency inspired by the Genshin Impact game.

In Teyvat Land, we will provide you exciting commissions that can be done weekly, and events that will be done once every period. We also have weekly schedules prepared for you!

Aside from that, we have six weeks for a period in Teyvat Land, and on the last week of each period, we will hold different kinds of interesting events!

Moreover, travelers have the chance to participate and do their weekly commissions to earn Primogems to boost up their rank in the Traveler Rank List!

What are you waiting for, future Travelers? A new adventure awaits you in Teyvat Land!

System Explanation

Teyvat Land is a point-theme-based, fixed agency inspired by the Genshin Impact game.

So how do we survive in Teyvat Land?
Every one period (6 weeks), we will have a Traveler Rank List. Top 3 Travelers with highest collected Primogems will gain Fates that you can use for your own benefits.

How do Travelers collect Primogems?
Paimon will guide you to collect Primogems because Teyvat Land will provide you with 3 Commissions that can be done every week, and there will be 2 games and 1 activity to bond with other Travelers. You will earn specific amounts of Primogems for every activity you join.
Please take note that you must join at least 2 weekly commissions each week, so you won't get kicked out of the Teyvat Land.

Another way to get additional Primogems is from doing Gacha Pull and by joining the monthly events.
Gacha Pull will be available on bonding night only. There will be notifications and instructions on how to do Gacha Pull, and if you are lucky enough, you will get additional Primogems.Every month, we will hold an event where the Travelers will play either individually or in a group. The event will last for 2-3 days, and you will earn Primogems for every activity you contributed to.
So what are the benefits of gaining the highest Primogems?
Top 3 Travelers with highest Primogems will gain Fates,

#1st place will get an Intertwined Fate. Intertwined Fate is a Fate that can only be used once within the 6 weeks period. You can use Fate for one of these benefits:
Receive a free pass to not join only ONE of the Weekly Commissions and still get the highest Primogems from that activity.Receive a free pass from a dare.Give a dare to one of the caretakers.
#2nd & #3rd place will get an Acquaint Fate.
Acquaint Fate is a Fate that can only be used once within the 6 weeks period, where its function is to get a free pass from a dare.

The three winners will appear on Teyvat Land's official account in the next period.

And what about Travelers in the bottom rank?
Each of the bottom 10 Travelers in the Travelers Rank List will receive a dare.

What are you waiting for, future Travelers? A new adventure awaits you in Teyvat Land!


General Rules
One account per head or Paimon will roast you!We accept ALL STARS of GENRP, MVRP, OCRP.We accept newly made account with min. 300 tweets. Travelers' account should have max. 400 followings as we don't want to be invisible!We allow max. 3 agencies including us, and do treat us fairly!
Travelers Rules
We are 90% Eng, 10% of your FC's mother language.Being active is a must!Limit OOC talks. Use brackets if you must.Always auto-follow all Travelers and new Travelers!No Circle in Circle, cliques, or dramas allowed (except plots). Do settle it in private, Travelers!Keep the timeline PG-15.Anything rated is allowed after 2 AM KST - 8 AM KST ONLY.No rated, inside, local jokes in GDM is allowed!Tweeting / retweeting vulgar porn is strictly prohibited. Don't do/retweet JFB.You'll receive a warning if you're online on TL for three days but not interacting with the members. Online in GDM doesn't count as being active.You'll receive a warning if you don't join 3 activities consecutively without telling base.You'll receive a warning if you break any of the rules stated.
Important Rules
Always inform Paimon if you want to take Hiatus, Semi Hiatus, Temporary Swap / Temporary Face Change, Changing Character/Username, Deactivate, or leave the agency.Maximum 1 week for Semi Hiatus and 2 weeks for Hiatus.TS / TFC, only twice a month and A WEEK after your stay with us.Max. TS / TFC is for a week only.CC, only once a month A WEEK after your stay with us.If your account is suspended, reach us within 3 days or you will be unverified.You'll have a week to retrieve / make a new account after informing us.
You will be unverified if:
Received 3 warnings.Inactive 24 hours after verification.Inactive 3 days without notice.Not giving any responses after Hiatus ends.Deactivating for more than 24H without informing Paimon.Lack of interactions with Travelers.Not participating in Weekly Commissions for two weeks (except Hiatus).

How to Join

Make sure to follow our Twitter page then read and follow the rules.Please fill in the form given and retweet the tweet form once you have submitted your form sheet.Put TVL somewhere on your bio or location once you are accepted.Last but not least, please follow every future Travelers and enjoy your stay!


Tell us 3 rules that you think are important for travelers to remember!